The only thing I know about rugby is that MHC is trying to get its team to stop turning up drunk to games. Rugby is our frat house. They had a party one time in my dorm when I took out trash for workstudy, and they took the big recycling bin into their room and filled it up with beer bottles. So they're a very environmentally-responsible frat.
Candy Bar Update:
Violet Crumble: finally got ahold of one! They're... interesting. They're about the size of a Charleston Chew, only instead of a chewy part, they have this center of about the consistency of freeze-dried ice cream. It's yellow, and I guess it's honey-flavored? Anyway, that gets coated with milk chocolate, and you eat it. Pretty good... not my favorite thus far, but I can definitely see purchasing them. Beats me why they're called "Violet Crumbles"- in no way, shape, or form is the color purple involved in them (except the wrapper, but that seems a bit contrived.)
Some of the guys at Anime club have reassured me that my accent isn't that noticable, 'cause it's not Yankee enough, and as long as I don't say, "I want to see kangaroos!" I'll pass as a nontourist.
Today I went to the student travel agency to plan something for Easter break (which is just a long weekend). I want to go out on the reef, and they had a couple of day-tours I could take, but I think I'm going to be reckless and go on the two-day Easter Special tour (which is specifically for students). I thought it was just sailing when I first heard about it, but no, you get to snorkel and take a hike on one of the islands, and dive if you want to shell out a little extra dough (which I might). So that's the plan. I figure that if the rest of my excursions are backpacking-type things, it shouldn't be much of a budget strain. Thoughts on this from anybody?
I feel just like The Girl Called Chuck from Pushing Daisies when she decided to go on an exotic cruise (and was subsequently killed and brought back to life by the Pie Maker. This is probably not reassuring to my mother. I'm fairly certain that there will be no murders on the ship. I may or may not be killed while trying to pick up a conesnail, though.)
And now some pictures to make up for my talking too much for the past 3-ish entries:
The bikepath near my house, next to the Ross River, which contains crocodiles, although I haven't seen any:

Some highly-nobby houses near the bikepath (my house does not look like this, but some of the houses I've made on The Sims do):

And the cute, non-demonic Common Opossum of Australia, which is the closest thing to a squirrel I've seen here... and also one of the furthest things from a possum I've ever seen:

Was walking to school, thought this looked nice:

And the lizards that hang out on the porch at night... and sometimes in the pantry. And sometimes in my room when I'm with the Anime club and they think I'm not coming home. I think they're adorable, but they seem to be not-very-fond of me:

(Yeah, they cling to the ceiling. How awesome is that?)
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