Monday, March 8, 2010

Health and Safety

I was going to wait until I had some good pictures of my various bruises (on this, more later) to show you before I updated, but it turns out that my father sends me frantic emails if I don't update at least once a week, so here we are.

Well, after my last update I went to anime club and paid for my membership (it's $5 for a semester, don't worry too much about my finances), and then proceeded to foist myself upon the people there- as you do when you're a socially-maladjusted recluse who is concerned about her networking skills.

Several times in the past they've told me that they all go to Macker's after the club meetings... Being an American, I assumed this was a bar, because if you're legal to drink and you're at college why the hell wouldn't you go to a bar on a Wednesday night after watching Black Lagoon? Being American, I was also wrong- Macker's is McDonalds. Apparently everyone calls it Macker's, which kinda weirds me out because of all the various shortenings of McD's that I hear on an everyday basis, this is a new one.

So I have been to an Australian McDonalds and will probably be going back again every Wednesday night, so if I find any weird menu items I'll let you know. They did have a little McCafe or whatever they're calling them these days separate from the rest of the cashiers' stations, which had a variety of pastries that I'm pretty sure they don't have in American McDonalds, but keep in mind that it's been years since I've been in a McDonalds that wasn't either in Marietta or alongside the highway, so maybe that's what all the high-class Mickey D's are doing these days.

The major differences I noted where that they have fewer menu items (no Chicken Selects )-:) and no dollar menu, because *nothing* costs an Australian dollar... even though an Australian dollar is not all that different from a US one...
I also apparently should check out the KFC's here, because they have weird sandwiches that home KFCs do not offer and which sound pretty tastey. Yeah, yeah, I'm lame.

Right, so I hung out with the anime club, and they're pretty cool and seemed not-too-annoyed at me, so that's well and good. A group of them went paintballing this Saturday, so I finagled a ride out of someone and tagged along (my housemate was so jealous).

Actually, he offered me his leftover Chinese takeout for dinner on Friday, the reasoning being that he was going out of town for the weekend and it'd go bad before he got back. Turns out it went bad earlier than we expected, so I spent Friday night with food poisoning. So that was the start of my weekend. Promising.

Paintballing first thing the next morning was fun, though. We ran around in full-body overalls and heavy-duty facemasks in the hot Australian sun and shot each other with balls of paint. The rule is that you're only hit if it breaks on you, which didn't happen to me all that often, although I got hit a lot. The thing is, if they don't break, they hurt a lot more. I've got some fantastic bruises. The best one is on my elbow. I'll take some pictures before it heals and I stop looking like an abuse victim.

Sunday morning was my weekly Skype chat with MoHo. Always a good time, even if it leaves me a little homesick for the remainder of the day.

Grocery shopping today after I update. I bought a bag of vegetables from the Uni "Student vegetable co-op", which claims to provide students with enough vegetables for a week for $13. I had high hopes for this program, but... eh. They gave me a bunch of bananas (which I'm allergic to), a honeydew melon that was starting to rot on one end and still wasn't ripe on the other, one onion, and a bunch of potatos and carrots. I've been making really good soup with the potatos, carrots, onion, and some chicken bullion, but I'd rather pay just a little extra and pick my own vegetables. I'm also not sure it would cost me more, when you factor out the stuff that I didn't eat.

So all in all, a pretty good weekend. A little painful, but pretty good.

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