Somehow or another you've come across my blog. (In all likelihood, you're a relative of mine who had the link emailed to them.) Well, since you're here, and since you seem to intend to keep reading, I might as well fill you in.
I leave for Australia this Tuesday (Feb. 9th), so at the moment I'm packing and trying to figure out where to live. This entry is more of a test-run, to make sure that my layout looks pretty and readable.
I'm a little colorblind, so please let me know if it's too hideous for words.
Tuesday I fly from Columbus to Chicago, then from Chicago to LA (where, with any luck, I'll be able to meet up with my friend Beth, who will be en route to New Zealand), and from LA to Brisbane. I leave LA before midnight and arrive in Brisbane on the 11th, so techincally I will not exist on Feb. 10th. Never fear, rumor has it that my friends at Mount Holyoke are having a candlelight vigil for me, to make sure that I don't disappear entirely.
Aside from the 12+ hours spent in airports and on short flights, I have to prepare myself for a 20-hour overseas flight. Twenty hours is a *really* long time, something I'm trying not to contemplate. I'm bringing a blank 5-subject notebook and a sketchpad, plus a supply of batteries and my (admitedly meager) CD collection, so hopefully I will survive.
I also do not have a place to stay as of yet. I have a hostel sort-of room booked for when I first arrive. I've been looking into permanant housing via James Cook's online database of people looking for roommates. I've got my eye set on the two male seniors looking (specifically) for a female international roommate. That sounds both safe and promising.
Well, that's what's happening right now. Theoretically, my next update will be from Australia, or at least an airport on my way to Australia, if I get bored enough and the internet access is free.

Poor CeeCee, yes we will be holding you in our thoughts on that day you disapear, so as to welcome you back to earth once you land and hopefully do not Exalt in the middle of the airport. We of the village hidden in the clouds (located close to the village hidden in the weeds) will never stop searching for you as soon as we pry Nori's ass out of that bar. Good luck finding a place to live (and don't ask Jac or Emily about Becky's, uh, "lovelife" *winkwink*)
ReplyDeleteLoves and Huggles,
For all you know, our thoughts will be the only thing anchoring you to this plane of existance. And we'll try to make sure Zen doesn't screw you and us over too badly. OH WAIT.
ReplyDeleteOh, and the library has finished being catalogued.
~The Information Goddess
The color is only meh. The blue is fine but the green is a little...
ReplyDeleteI don't think it'll be a candlelight vigil being as how this is MHC where we are forbidden to own candles and such but then I think the whole idea is ridiclous. Besides that how close to midnight do you leave LA? For all you know your plane will be delayed enough to have you leave after midnight and then the whole vigil idea will be pointless.
I bet they're very nice young men. I would guess that they're already in a commited relationship and don't want the issue of a third wheel. Or the sketchiest things ever, one of two.
And why don't you have coding on?
Ignore Jen, she's just let down that no-one in exalted has been horribly massacered yet. She'll get over it, eventually.
ReplyDeleteI want you to know that everytime I walk down for dinner at Prospect I get "In the dark of the night" stuck in my head and think of you. This drives Sarah nuts since she gets it stuck in her head too.
In other news, I can apparently hum mostly on key now ^_^
I am annoyed that this doesn't allow me to reply to comments individually.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Crystalmir, the apartment can easily have a candlelight vigil. Actually, most dorms can, because it's very rarely that anyone cares. Wilder probably shouldn't risk it though. Your dorm is made out of papermache and fail.
I don't know why there's no coding. I'll fix it when I'm not in an airport.
Bosco: Sometime you or someone who is not Zen should email me about what happened after I signed out (right after you yelled at Nori), 'cause I get the idea it was pretty epic.
(And I know better than to ask anyone about Becky's love life. Not that it stops you from telling me about it, I notice.)
Also In the Dark of the Night is a wonderful thing to have stuck in your head at all times. It's Katsuko's Granny's theme song... actually, it's probably quite a few of our characters' theme songs.
And I want a recital of your finest humming pieces when I see you next.
Info Goddess: S'ok, Zen's channeling my ability to turn simple missions into horrible debaucles. I'm starting to think Mako is like the Fail version of Typhoid Mary- he gives fail to those around him.
I'm SO EXCITED about the library!!!1
Since I don't have any candles, I will hold a lighter vigil in your honor. I'm really looking forward to your revival, though - it's on a very special and very distressing SciFi night. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, may your flights be safe an relatively uneventful. But not so uneventful that you go crazy...
(Also: Bosco, don't remind me. Ugh, he has a beeeeaaaarrrrd...)