This morning on my way to the next phase of O-week I stumbled across two stray dogs- a shiz tsu and some kind of mutt puppy. They followed me for a while, which was a bit worrisome as I was headed for a major highway and the puppy seemed exceptionally unafraid of cars. Fortunately they found a house with a dog in the backyard and left me to bark at it- so here's hoping the owners were home and called up the number on the tags. (I still don't have a phone- it's getting increasingly more annoying.)
Took a bus tour of Townsville today, courtesy of the student travel association. REALLY pretty downtown (sorry, no pictures- my camera doesn't like working in vehicles). The museums have free admission to students, so that's on my to do list. I need to make some friends so that we can hang out there some weekend. (Actually, what I need to do is import friends from home that I *know* would enjoy being here, but I suppose making friends is an acceptable solution.)
Missed signing up for a chocolate-eating contest at noon. Which is fine, but just know that I would have nailed it. The winner ate 4 chocolate bars in 3.5 minutes. Amateur.
Here are my Excited-American-Botany-Nerd pictures:

Weird mushrooms:

Trees with really cool bark: (these guys are everywhere.)

These were growing alongside the highway on my walk back to my motel. I think they're what my advisor would call "trashy".

How exactly did you miss signing up for the chocolate-eating contest? ridiculous. when is the next one? :) it's nice that you have a map in your planner. my go-to plan is always to draw a map. but you know that.