The Whitsundays were great- I'll have a full post about them, coming up.
Not so great was getting back to the 2,500 word paper I had only kinda started, so I'm not running on too much sleep. Miraculously, we were given an extension on the paper that was due this Friday that I haven't really done much on, so I get to sleep tonight for the first time in a while.
This weekend we go back to Paluma to do individual research projects. My group is looking at mosses.
My housemate got me some Cadbury creme eggs for Easter. I'm very excited about them. Also, I went shopping on Tuesday and picked up an Easter bunny and some more Cadbury creme eggs (I love them), plus some hot cross buns, all on sale, so that was my Easter Basket this year. In case you were worried.
Candy bar of the week:
Cherry Ripe: This is dried cherries with coconut, covered in dark chocolate. Tastes kind of like eating a large, chewy chocolate-covered cherry. I like them, but not quite as much as Bubbles.
The place was, naturally, full of little kids shouting "Look! A Nemo!" or "DORY!" (Fun fact: Finding Nemo has Nemo fished out of the water off the Great Barrier Reef, but he ends up in Sydney. This is a huge geography fail.)

Inside the smaller tanks:

And the giant one that the building sort-of wraps around (as far as I can tell), so you walk by different views of it as you go:

Some fish (most of which I can't identify.)
Mangrove Fish:

Crown-of-thorns starfish:

Giant Clam:

Nautilus (one of the ever-awesome cephelapod family)

Parrot Fish:

This shrimp looks like a muppet.

Really Big Starfish:

From the Big Fish tank:

You can see how big this one is. And friendly, too.

The seasnake. I really wish that the pictures had come out better, because I was quite smitten with it. It's maybe 4 feet long?

And a picture of me in the children's area, because I know you all haven't seen my face for a while:

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