Mission Beach was AMAZING!!
This update'll be kinda quick, since I'm leaving for the airport in about a half-hour and I won't have internet until I'm in LA at the earliest.
Took the bus up to Mission Beach, which is the closest the rainforest gets to the reef (I think I may have said that in an earlier post...) The hostel I stayed at was really nice- all the people were super friendly and it was just across the road from the beach. There was only one other guy in my room, and he checked out on Saturday, so I had a room to myself on the last night.
Anyway, first night the hostel had a bbq, so I got steak for cheap, and then some British girls and my roommate (who was also British) and I played Trouble and chilled. Next day I woke up and went to the beach as instructed, where I got picked up by one of those amphibious boats that has tires so it can drive up on shore.
It took me to Dunk Island, where I got on a boat for the reef trip I'd signed up for (there's a picture on the photobucket.) It was a small boat, with only 11 people on the tour.
The reef was about an hour out... and it was AMAZING!! Much better than the one at the Whitsundays (possibly because I wasn't freezing...ironic since it's winter here now). I saw blue and green and purple corals, and sponges, and sea cucumbers as big around as my thigh, and giant clams with purple/blue lips and glowy green dots, and three sharks, and a sea turtle, and schools of giant fish, and schools of tiny little blue fish, and on the boat ride back I saw FLYING FISH, and they really look like they fly! (I guess they glide or something...)
I was the only one signed up for the intro dive (the dive for non-certified divers), so I got to swim around the bottom of this lagoon with the instructor. I got to touch a sea anemone, and a giant clam, and hold a starfish, and a cassiopea (a little floating sea-slug type deal...), and one of those sea cucumbesr with the odd star-like structures... it was INCREDIBLE! I'm so glad I went.
Anyway, got back to the hostel, went to the grocery store, picked up some cheap food, made dinner, hung out, slept, etc.
Saturday I went down to the longest rainforest hike I could find that I could get to. (Apparently if you have a car there's a ton more stuff to do in Mission Beach... ah, well.) The hostel people seemed really unconvinced that I could survive a 10 km hike. Seriously, guys? That's about what, 8 miles? That's NOTHING.
The guy who drove me out there gave me this long lecture about "are you sure you want to do this? Do you have enough water? It's going to be too hot for you." (It wasn't, it was a really nice day). There was a guided 'wildlife tour' he was giving, and he tried to get me to go to that instead, which was annoying. Also 'warnings' he gave me: "your feet will get wet, the bridges are out. watch out for hanging branches, they have thorns. take a mobile phone and our number in case you get in trouble..." It turns out it was a reasonably-well-traveled path, no big obstacles or anything. Honestly, I'm an adult, I can walk down a path DESIGNED FOR PEOPLE TO WALK DOWN.
Once I shook the hostel people, though, the path was really nice. It was a nice day, and I had a good walk.
ALSO! I saw a cassowary! They're endangered, and they're one of the things that my overly-attentive nanny/hostel guy warned me about. "If you see a cassowary, back away slowly... don't come between a baby cassowary and its mother, etc." Apparently they actually are dangerous, though. They have NASTY looking claws, and my housemate says they bash people with their heads/beaks.
So I was a little concerned, but the cassowary stayed well off the path and didn't seem to notice me. There's a rather blurry picture on the photobucket. They're so big! This one was as tall as I am, at least. So that was a pretty awesome once-in-a-lifetime thing... and makes up for the lack of platypus sitings during my entire stay here in Australia.
Got back to the hostel, swam in the ocean. I found a coconut and split it open on the spike provided by the hostel for coconut gatherers, so I had a whole fresh coconut with my canned soup! And getting that husk off was WORK, let me tell you.
Ok, my ride's here, so I'm going to wrap this up.
Hung out on the beach for a few hours looking at the stars. Woke up early the next morning, stood in the ocean one last time, then caught the bus back.
Here's the few pictures I did take. LEAVING AU GOT TO GO BYE!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Almost There
Just finished my very last final, which means that soon I'll be walking home from the JCU campus for the last time.
It's strange to be packing up and leaving forever after four months. Very strange. Of course, mostly what I'm thinking about is the flight and how happy I'm going to be to be home.
I've heard that things like blogs and facebook and email keep people from having the real study abroad experience, but I don't think I'd have made any more friends or spent any less time being homesick without the internet. Maybe I'm defective in general.
Anyway, my day trip/spontaneous adventure plans for the past two weeks fell through, since I had a paper to write and tests to study for, and there weren't any good day tours available to places I hadn't been already.
After my exam on Saturday, my friend from the Whitsundays and I and her roommates all went downtown and got ice cream and sat on the beach for a while. The water's much colder, but it's no longer jelly fish season, so swimming's safer!
Other than that, life has been pretty uninteresting. I'm glad exams are over, though.
Tomorrow I leave for a 4-day trip to Mission Beach! I get back Sunday afternoon, so I'm going to pack, hopefully do a quick blog about Mission Beach, and prepare for the trip home.
Monday evening I fly to Brisbane (for the most uncomfortable birthday night ever!) and then Tuesday morning I fly to LAX. Less than a week. Pretty mind-blowing.
Aussie Slang That I Keep Forgetting To Mention:
-They pronounce fillet (as in, chicken fillet) "fil-LET" instead of "fil-LAY".
-"Swot-up" means study (as in, things to swot-up on for the exam would be areas to focus on when you're studying... like cramming, I guess.)
I can't remember the others... so clearly they're aptly named.
It's strange to be packing up and leaving forever after four months. Very strange. Of course, mostly what I'm thinking about is the flight and how happy I'm going to be to be home.
I've heard that things like blogs and facebook and email keep people from having the real study abroad experience, but I don't think I'd have made any more friends or spent any less time being homesick without the internet. Maybe I'm defective in general.
Anyway, my day trip/spontaneous adventure plans for the past two weeks fell through, since I had a paper to write and tests to study for, and there weren't any good day tours available to places I hadn't been already.
After my exam on Saturday, my friend from the Whitsundays and I and her roommates all went downtown and got ice cream and sat on the beach for a while. The water's much colder, but it's no longer jelly fish season, so swimming's safer!
Other than that, life has been pretty uninteresting. I'm glad exams are over, though.
Tomorrow I leave for a 4-day trip to Mission Beach! I get back Sunday afternoon, so I'm going to pack, hopefully do a quick blog about Mission Beach, and prepare for the trip home.
Monday evening I fly to Brisbane (for the most uncomfortable birthday night ever!) and then Tuesday morning I fly to LAX. Less than a week. Pretty mind-blowing.
Aussie Slang That I Keep Forgetting To Mention:
-They pronounce fillet (as in, chicken fillet) "fil-LET" instead of "fil-LAY".
-"Swot-up" means study (as in, things to swot-up on for the exam would be areas to focus on when you're studying... like cramming, I guess.)
I can't remember the others... so clearly they're aptly named.
The Uluru/Kata Tjuta Tour
Today is The Queen's Birthday, which Australia celebrates the way it celebrates all national holidays: by shutting down public transport and everything else that any Uni student could conceivably want to do. I suppose it's for the best, because it gave me a chance to sort through my pictures and also study a little for my final final.
(I think my other three finals went pretty well, but my brain is a little mushy right now.)
So, as advertised, I went out to Alice Springs and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park for the End of Semester break.
Our Greyhound was scheduled to leave at 7 am on Sunday the 30th, which is before the regular buses start running even on weekdays (the saga of my disgust with public transport in Townsville continues), but fortunately one of the (American) girls in my classes was going on the same trip and had found a ride, so I walked to Uni at 5:30 in the morning and we all (there were three other girls, total) went to the Greyhound terminal.
It's a LONG bus ride to Alice Springs... in the vicinity of two days. We stopped quite a bit, for lunch, dinner, refueling, bathroom breaks, dropping people off/picking people up, etc. We switched buses at Mount Isa and Tennant Creek, and slept a lot.
The girl I got the ride from and I spent a lot of time in gas stations, where we made a discovery: Australians don't believe in price tags. I think only one of our stops featured price tags, and not on everything. So when we felt like buying something, we had to walk up to the counter with it, say "how much is this?", find out that it was ridiculously overpriced, even for gas stations ($3-$4 candy bars), and put it back.
We stopped at one place that has a lot of giant statues... somewhat inexplicably.
We got to Alice Springs early on Monday, way before our hostel's check-in, so they sent us to wander around the town. They suggested we visit the reptile house, which has a very impressive collection of snakes and other reptiles. They also suggested we visit the Royal Flying Doctor museum, but it cost like, $7.50 for a tour, which was too much for a tour that didn't feature poisonous snakes.
The Scarf lurks outside the Royal Flying Doctor!
Eventually we wandered back to the hostel...
I knew that it was winter in Australia, but nobody told me that parts of Australia actually get COLD during winter, and certainly nobody mentioned that the desert gets cold even during the day. So I only had one pair of jeans and my hoodie with me for warmth, and the hostel wasn't heated. So I was freezing! Someone lent me a blanket the first night, so that was OK, but still. I don't understand why the rooms weren't heated, given that it is decidedly cold for half of the year.
Early the next morning the Rock Tour (our tour agency) picked us up. They were very insistent that we have 3 liters of water on us for the hike on the first day, which I would understand if it was the middle of summer, but it was way too cold to worry about losing that much moisture. Personally, I think they were just after the money, since they sold giant water bottles at the agency. (I don't recommend this tour company very highly... they also didn't really provide enough food for the 21 people on the tour. It was a cheap tour, but how does one package of salami for 2 group lunches work out?)
Uluru is about 5 hours from Alice Springs, so we set off... and our bus broke down about an hour into the drive, and it took them two hours to send a new one. Our guide had come down with a cold that morning, so he was in a miserable mood for the entire trip... also, I just found him kind of obnoxious in general; he was bossy and being ordered around for three days gets REALLY old really fast. He also rushed us the entire tour, not just the first day, even when we were making good time. I finally got so annoyed with this that I called him out on it. He didn't take very kindly to it. I'm not sure if he's always this annoying or if he was just sick. I was sitting behind him, so he didn't pay much attention to me when I wasn't arguing, but the poor girl who had to sit in the front passenger seat looked so fed-up...
Also on the tour were a quite a few British kids, a German couple, a French man, and a woman from Hong Kong... There was one Australian woman, and a few others whose nationalities I can't remember. The two girls who had grabbed a ride with my friend had been moved to another tour, so it was just my friend and I representing the Americans.
So, Tuesday, after we got the new bus, we headed to Kings Canyon, which, as the name suggests, is a canyon. It's a huge one (I think the guide said it was bigger than the Grand Canyon, but a lot of the stuff he said turned out to be BS, so take what you will from that), and very pretty. We climbed to the top and walked around the rim. It's really an odd place... it looks like some kind of other planet. The top of the canyon is mostly bare red rock, with these big dome-shaped formations. (The domes are called The Lost City because they look like ruins... they also have some spiritual significance in Aboriginal culture.)
You'll notice a lot of grass/greenery in all of my pictures. As luck would have it, this year was the most rain that this area has had in 50 years. I can't say that when I pictured my trip to The Outback that it would be green and cold, but on the other hand, I will assuredly never get the chance to see this area like this again, because it probably won't be this way again in my lifetime, so that's pretty cool.
The Garden of Eden is a watering hole at the foot of the canyon, where the rock starts to split. Even in dry years, it has water in it, so it's naturally a pretty important place.
We spent the night at a campsite nearby. We got Swags, which are these odd Australian sleeping bag things... they're canvas, with plastic bottoms, and have a little foam mattress in them. You snuggle up in your sleeping bag, zip the swag up, pull the hood over your face, and sleep. They're so you don't need a tent. Also, they're surprisingly warm and comfy, so I wasn't cold at night, at least.
Of course, it was a different story when our guide woke us up at dawn so we could get to our next campsite on time. (We didn't have breakfast until we got there, either. I was not the only person Not Particularly Happy.)
Wednesday, after breakfast, we went to Uluru National Park and went through the Aboriginal Cultural Center there, which was very nice (no pictures- not allowed).
So, remember how naive little me of February said that I thought Australians have a pretty respectful attitude towards Aboriginals? Yeah, that was a lie. A big one. Let me tell you about Uluru. It's home to a number of sacred spots, (only one of which is actually called Uluru, but that just happened to be the name that stuck) and traditionally boys would climb up it to become men. The Aboriginals were only recently given back the land (actually, the Aboriginals were only recently classified as humans under Australian law! That's right, it was legal to hunt them until 1959! Classy, Australia!). Right, where was I? Oh, yes, they were given Uluru back on the condition that they let tourists climb it for the next 99 years, because it's a big tourist pull and source of revenue. Apparently, if the climb is closed due to conditions for 1/3 of the year, they can close the climb permanently (but keep in mind this is something that our guide said, and a lot of the stuff he said was certifiable BS). There are signs all over the place giving tourists all the reasons that it's disrespectful to climb it, but they can't really stop them. Also there aren't any signs at the actual site. I suspect the government won't let them put any up.
Mmm, defiling sacred sites. Good clean fun.
The girl I was with and I didn't climb it (well, actually nobody in our group did, but there were some who kinda wanted to), and we both agreed it was pretty deplorable of the Australian government to keep it open. (We did watch a couple climb this, then watch the guy climb back down, get water, and climb back up to his waiting girlfriend, and that was romantic enough that we decided they were OK. No one else.)
We did a walk around part of the base, and the guide told a couple of Aboriginal stories about the different places... which was one of the few things he did that I really enjoyed... I get the idea that the stories are his favorite part. I wish I could remember the names involved, but... well. I at least tried to summarize them in the photobucket.
After that we drove to Kata Tjuta. Uluru is the largest single exposed rock in the world (I don't remember the world... Obelisk?) Kata Tjuta is just sedimentary rocks stuck together, and therefore not as impressive, but I think it looks pretty awesome.
We walked halfway through the Valley of the Winds track, so we see the whole thing, but we still got to see a decent chunk.
After that we watched the sunset over Uluru (Well, no, we watched Uluru as the sun set behind us, but close enough). It's a big tourist draw, so there were lots of
Back at camp, we played Eat the Box, which is a game where you have a cardboard box and you have to pick it up off the floor with your mouth without your hands touching the ground. Each round you rip a little more off the box. It was barrels of fun, especially since we were playing around a campfire and the best position for the box often involved leaning towards the fire. Also Team UK had bought some marshmallows, so we roasted those.
Fun fact I keep forgetting to share: Australia does not have the concept of a s'more. 1) They don't have Hershey's, they have Cadbury's, which is not the same, 2) their marshmallows are strange, 3) THEY DO NOT HAVE GRAHAM CRACKERS. Other American students have done some research into this and reported to me that the closest they have are digestive biscuits, which, if you've had one, you know are nothing like graham crackers.
The next morning we woke up before dawn to watch the sunrise over Uluru with breakfast. In theory that sounds great. In practice it was freezing, we were tired, we didn't have the means to make hot breakfast, and it was generally not worth it.
Afterwards we did the full walk around Uluru, minus the bit we did on Tuesday. It was a really nice walk, with the sun still coming up on the rock. Also there were some dingos howling in the background! I took a few pictures, because it was beautiful, but not too many because it's basically a bunch of photos of a giant rock. Don't get me wrong, its a nice giant rock, but it's still a giant rock. There are also some cave paintings in some of the caves, which are pretty cool, if only for how bright they are given how old they are.
We stopped briefly at Not Uluru (can't remember it's real name) and the salt flat next to it, basically to grab photos. I mostly liked it because we got to climb a red sand dune, and red sand is so beautiful. It looks unreal (I say that a lot... I suspect Australia isn't a real place.)
After that, we stopped at a camel farm (which also had an emu, kangaroos, and some llamas). My friend rode one of the camels, but I was fine just watching. There was a baby camel that wandered up to the store and made distressing baby camel noises. They also had a tame dingo, which I got to pet... I'm still a little uncertain that dingos are a distinct species... I have yet to see one that could prove it wasn't just a skinny dog.
We got back to our hostel in the afternoon, hung out, then met up with the rest of the group for dinner at a bar that I think is run by the tour company. Our guide had recovered by then and bought the whole tour a few pitchers of beer/wine for putting up with him, so I'm inclined to think he was just having a rotten week. Also the musicians at the bar had a digeridoo and played, among other things, "Don't Need No Education."
Our hostel put us in a heated room, which was nice, and the next morning my friend left to catch her flight home. I hung out in Alice Springs/ the hostel for a day, mostly studying. The other two girls got back from their tour (which sounded incredibly more awesome than mine- I was jealous), and we all caught the bus to Tennant Creek.
We get to Tennant Creek at 2 am, and the local hostel picks us up and gives us a room. It was a really nice hostel... not that it was fancy or anything, just comfortable. They had a huge collection of pet birds outside and a nice rec room with a kitchen and a TV and some DVDs and paperback books.
We went into town to see what there was to do, and came back with the impression that Greyhound has a deal with Tennant Creek to drop people off there for the day so that they can get some kind of revenue. We walked about a mile out of town to get to the Tourist Info place... which was connected to some mining museums. They cost to get in, though, and we didn't care enough to pay, so we just wandered outside and looked at their collection of old mine equipment, most of which was pretty rusty, but interesting.
We stopped at the single grocery store, with the logic that we would get bored and hungry on our upcoming 25-hour bus ride. I bought a bag of chicken-flavored potato chips (they're delicious! Don't judge me!), cookies, and more candy bars than I should have. (On the ride back, all three of us discovered that we had overestimated our ability to eat on the bus, and the last hour was to become a struggle to choke down all our junk food.)
We spent the rest of the day reading the paperbacks left by other backpackers and talking to the housekeeper/owner(?). I was planning on studying for my first exam... but the Celtic mystery/historical fiction I picked up proved more interesting.
We also made a journey to a place called (someone)'s Pizza and Fat Kebabs for dinner, because I had a coupon and I refused to pass up the opportunity to eat somewhere with "Fat Kebab" in its name. Pretty good pizza, I would recommend it if the Greyhound drops you there for a day.
Around 9:00 pm we made our way to the bus stop and started on the long road back to Townsville, eating our chicken-flavored chips and Cherry Ripes. By 7 pm on Sunday, we were back in the terminal. One of the girls had a ride set up, so we piled into his car and he took us to McDonalds... which frankly I was too sick from eating an entire bag of Chicken Chips to handle, but the cheapest thing to do was get the Secret $5 Meal, which is a cheeseburger, fries, and a sundae for $5. (In AU that's cheap). I still have the sundae in the freezer... I suspect that McD's ice cream was not meant to be re-frozen, so I think I'm going to throw it out.
Next day I was up at 7:30 to go to my Plant Survival final... which I think went pretty well, especially considering the circumstances.
Well, what with everything, I can't say this was the mind-blowing Most Awesome Trip of my time here, but it was still a lot of fun, and I'm glad I went!
The Photobucket contains all my pictures of Alice Springs and the snakes, King's Canyon, Kata Tjuta, Uluru, Fake!Uluru, the Camel Farm, Tennant Creek, and other misc. places from the journey. I had some hiccups uploading them, so they aren't all in order, but the captions should tell you what's what.
(I think my other three finals went pretty well, but my brain is a little mushy right now.)
So, as advertised, I went out to Alice Springs and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park for the End of Semester break.
Our Greyhound was scheduled to leave at 7 am on Sunday the 30th, which is before the regular buses start running even on weekdays (the saga of my disgust with public transport in Townsville continues), but fortunately one of the (American) girls in my classes was going on the same trip and had found a ride, so I walked to Uni at 5:30 in the morning and we all (there were three other girls, total) went to the Greyhound terminal.
It's a LONG bus ride to Alice Springs... in the vicinity of two days. We stopped quite a bit, for lunch, dinner, refueling, bathroom breaks, dropping people off/picking people up, etc. We switched buses at Mount Isa and Tennant Creek, and slept a lot.
The girl I got the ride from and I spent a lot of time in gas stations, where we made a discovery: Australians don't believe in price tags. I think only one of our stops featured price tags, and not on everything. So when we felt like buying something, we had to walk up to the counter with it, say "how much is this?", find out that it was ridiculously overpriced, even for gas stations ($3-$4 candy bars), and put it back.
We stopped at one place that has a lot of giant statues... somewhat inexplicably.

We got to Alice Springs early on Monday, way before our hostel's check-in, so they sent us to wander around the town. They suggested we visit the reptile house, which has a very impressive collection of snakes and other reptiles. They also suggested we visit the Royal Flying Doctor museum, but it cost like, $7.50 for a tour, which was too much for a tour that didn't feature poisonous snakes.

The Scarf lurks outside the Royal Flying Doctor!

Eventually we wandered back to the hostel...
I knew that it was winter in Australia, but nobody told me that parts of Australia actually get COLD during winter, and certainly nobody mentioned that the desert gets cold even during the day. So I only had one pair of jeans and my hoodie with me for warmth, and the hostel wasn't heated. So I was freezing! Someone lent me a blanket the first night, so that was OK, but still. I don't understand why the rooms weren't heated, given that it is decidedly cold for half of the year.
Early the next morning the Rock Tour (our tour agency) picked us up. They were very insistent that we have 3 liters of water on us for the hike on the first day, which I would understand if it was the middle of summer, but it was way too cold to worry about losing that much moisture. Personally, I think they were just after the money, since they sold giant water bottles at the agency. (I don't recommend this tour company very highly... they also didn't really provide enough food for the 21 people on the tour. It was a cheap tour, but how does one package of salami for 2 group lunches work out?)
Uluru is about 5 hours from Alice Springs, so we set off... and our bus broke down about an hour into the drive, and it took them two hours to send a new one. Our guide had come down with a cold that morning, so he was in a miserable mood for the entire trip... also, I just found him kind of obnoxious in general; he was bossy and being ordered around for three days gets REALLY old really fast. He also rushed us the entire tour, not just the first day, even when we were making good time. I finally got so annoyed with this that I called him out on it. He didn't take very kindly to it. I'm not sure if he's always this annoying or if he was just sick. I was sitting behind him, so he didn't pay much attention to me when I wasn't arguing, but the poor girl who had to sit in the front passenger seat looked so fed-up...
Also on the tour were a quite a few British kids, a German couple, a French man, and a woman from Hong Kong... There was one Australian woman, and a few others whose nationalities I can't remember. The two girls who had grabbed a ride with my friend had been moved to another tour, so it was just my friend and I representing the Americans.
So, Tuesday, after we got the new bus, we headed to Kings Canyon, which, as the name suggests, is a canyon. It's a huge one (I think the guide said it was bigger than the Grand Canyon, but a lot of the stuff he said turned out to be BS, so take what you will from that), and very pretty. We climbed to the top and walked around the rim. It's really an odd place... it looks like some kind of other planet. The top of the canyon is mostly bare red rock, with these big dome-shaped formations. (The domes are called The Lost City because they look like ruins... they also have some spiritual significance in Aboriginal culture.)

You'll notice a lot of grass/greenery in all of my pictures. As luck would have it, this year was the most rain that this area has had in 50 years. I can't say that when I pictured my trip to The Outback that it would be green and cold, but on the other hand, I will assuredly never get the chance to see this area like this again, because it probably won't be this way again in my lifetime, so that's pretty cool.
The Garden of Eden is a watering hole at the foot of the canyon, where the rock starts to split. Even in dry years, it has water in it, so it's naturally a pretty important place.

We spent the night at a campsite nearby. We got Swags, which are these odd Australian sleeping bag things... they're canvas, with plastic bottoms, and have a little foam mattress in them. You snuggle up in your sleeping bag, zip the swag up, pull the hood over your face, and sleep. They're so you don't need a tent. Also, they're surprisingly warm and comfy, so I wasn't cold at night, at least.
Of course, it was a different story when our guide woke us up at dawn so we could get to our next campsite on time. (We didn't have breakfast until we got there, either. I was not the only person Not Particularly Happy.)
Wednesday, after breakfast, we went to Uluru National Park and went through the Aboriginal Cultural Center there, which was very nice (no pictures- not allowed).
So, remember how naive little me of February said that I thought Australians have a pretty respectful attitude towards Aboriginals? Yeah, that was a lie. A big one. Let me tell you about Uluru. It's home to a number of sacred spots, (only one of which is actually called Uluru, but that just happened to be the name that stuck) and traditionally boys would climb up it to become men. The Aboriginals were only recently given back the land (actually, the Aboriginals were only recently classified as humans under Australian law! That's right, it was legal to hunt them until 1959! Classy, Australia!). Right, where was I? Oh, yes, they were given Uluru back on the condition that they let tourists climb it for the next 99 years, because it's a big tourist pull and source of revenue. Apparently, if the climb is closed due to conditions for 1/3 of the year, they can close the climb permanently (but keep in mind this is something that our guide said, and a lot of the stuff he said was certifiable BS). There are signs all over the place giving tourists all the reasons that it's disrespectful to climb it, but they can't really stop them. Also there aren't any signs at the actual site. I suspect the government won't let them put any up.
Mmm, defiling sacred sites. Good clean fun.

The girl I was with and I didn't climb it (well, actually nobody in our group did, but there were some who kinda wanted to), and we both agreed it was pretty deplorable of the Australian government to keep it open. (We did watch a couple climb this, then watch the guy climb back down, get water, and climb back up to his waiting girlfriend, and that was romantic enough that we decided they were OK. No one else.)
We did a walk around part of the base, and the guide told a couple of Aboriginal stories about the different places... which was one of the few things he did that I really enjoyed... I get the idea that the stories are his favorite part. I wish I could remember the names involved, but... well. I at least tried to summarize them in the photobucket.
After that we drove to Kata Tjuta. Uluru is the largest single exposed rock in the world (I don't remember the world... Obelisk?) Kata Tjuta is just sedimentary rocks stuck together, and therefore not as impressive, but I think it looks pretty awesome.

We walked halfway through the Valley of the Winds track, so we see the whole thing, but we still got to see a decent chunk.

After that we watched the sunset over Uluru (Well, no, we watched Uluru as the sun set behind us, but close enough). It's a big tourist draw, so there were lots of

Back at camp, we played Eat the Box, which is a game where you have a cardboard box and you have to pick it up off the floor with your mouth without your hands touching the ground. Each round you rip a little more off the box. It was barrels of fun, especially since we were playing around a campfire and the best position for the box often involved leaning towards the fire. Also Team UK had bought some marshmallows, so we roasted those.
Fun fact I keep forgetting to share: Australia does not have the concept of a s'more. 1) They don't have Hershey's, they have Cadbury's, which is not the same, 2) their marshmallows are strange, 3) THEY DO NOT HAVE GRAHAM CRACKERS. Other American students have done some research into this and reported to me that the closest they have are digestive biscuits, which, if you've had one, you know are nothing like graham crackers.
The next morning we woke up before dawn to watch the sunrise over Uluru with breakfast. In theory that sounds great. In practice it was freezing, we were tired, we didn't have the means to make hot breakfast, and it was generally not worth it.
Afterwards we did the full walk around Uluru, minus the bit we did on Tuesday. It was a really nice walk, with the sun still coming up on the rock. Also there were some dingos howling in the background! I took a few pictures, because it was beautiful, but not too many because it's basically a bunch of photos of a giant rock. Don't get me wrong, its a nice giant rock, but it's still a giant rock. There are also some cave paintings in some of the caves, which are pretty cool, if only for how bright they are given how old they are.
We stopped briefly at Not Uluru (can't remember it's real name) and the salt flat next to it, basically to grab photos. I mostly liked it because we got to climb a red sand dune, and red sand is so beautiful. It looks unreal (I say that a lot... I suspect Australia isn't a real place.)
After that, we stopped at a camel farm (which also had an emu, kangaroos, and some llamas). My friend rode one of the camels, but I was fine just watching. There was a baby camel that wandered up to the store and made distressing baby camel noises. They also had a tame dingo, which I got to pet... I'm still a little uncertain that dingos are a distinct species... I have yet to see one that could prove it wasn't just a skinny dog.
We got back to our hostel in the afternoon, hung out, then met up with the rest of the group for dinner at a bar that I think is run by the tour company. Our guide had recovered by then and bought the whole tour a few pitchers of beer/wine for putting up with him, so I'm inclined to think he was just having a rotten week. Also the musicians at the bar had a digeridoo and played, among other things, "Don't Need No Education."

Our hostel put us in a heated room, which was nice, and the next morning my friend left to catch her flight home. I hung out in Alice Springs/ the hostel for a day, mostly studying. The other two girls got back from their tour (which sounded incredibly more awesome than mine- I was jealous), and we all caught the bus to Tennant Creek.
We get to Tennant Creek at 2 am, and the local hostel picks us up and gives us a room. It was a really nice hostel... not that it was fancy or anything, just comfortable. They had a huge collection of pet birds outside and a nice rec room with a kitchen and a TV and some DVDs and paperback books.
We went into town to see what there was to do, and came back with the impression that Greyhound has a deal with Tennant Creek to drop people off there for the day so that they can get some kind of revenue. We walked about a mile out of town to get to the Tourist Info place... which was connected to some mining museums. They cost to get in, though, and we didn't care enough to pay, so we just wandered outside and looked at their collection of old mine equipment, most of which was pretty rusty, but interesting.
We stopped at the single grocery store, with the logic that we would get bored and hungry on our upcoming 25-hour bus ride. I bought a bag of chicken-flavored potato chips (they're delicious! Don't judge me!), cookies, and more candy bars than I should have. (On the ride back, all three of us discovered that we had overestimated our ability to eat on the bus, and the last hour was to become a struggle to choke down all our junk food.)
We spent the rest of the day reading the paperbacks left by other backpackers and talking to the housekeeper/owner(?). I was planning on studying for my first exam... but the Celtic mystery/historical fiction I picked up proved more interesting.
We also made a journey to a place called (someone)'s Pizza and Fat Kebabs for dinner, because I had a coupon and I refused to pass up the opportunity to eat somewhere with "Fat Kebab" in its name. Pretty good pizza, I would recommend it if the Greyhound drops you there for a day.
Around 9:00 pm we made our way to the bus stop and started on the long road back to Townsville, eating our chicken-flavored chips and Cherry Ripes. By 7 pm on Sunday, we were back in the terminal. One of the girls had a ride set up, so we piled into his car and he took us to McDonalds... which frankly I was too sick from eating an entire bag of Chicken Chips to handle, but the cheapest thing to do was get the Secret $5 Meal, which is a cheeseburger, fries, and a sundae for $5. (In AU that's cheap). I still have the sundae in the freezer... I suspect that McD's ice cream was not meant to be re-frozen, so I think I'm going to throw it out.
Next day I was up at 7:30 to go to my Plant Survival final... which I think went pretty well, especially considering the circumstances.
Well, what with everything, I can't say this was the mind-blowing Most Awesome Trip of my time here, but it was still a lot of fun, and I'm glad I went!
The Photobucket contains all my pictures of Alice Springs and the snakes, King's Canyon, Kata Tjuta, Uluru, Fake!Uluru, the Camel Farm, Tennant Creek, and other misc. places from the journey. I had some hiccups uploading them, so they aren't all in order, but the captions should tell you what's what.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Magnetic Island
As per the plan, last Saturday (May 22), I woke up, took the bus downtown, and got on the ferry to Magnetic Island. The weather was beautiful. It's getting to be 'winter' down here, so it's been a little cooler, which means that it's pretty much perfect. (Although it gets a bit chilly at night.)
There are four main places on Magnetic: Nelly Bay, where the ferry lands, which has some cafes and a grocery store, Arcadia, which has a bar and the hostel I stayed at, Picnic Bay, which had a few houses and restaurants, and Horseshoe Bay, which is the main drag with the bars. They're laid out Picnic, Nelly, Arcadia, Horseshoe, in a little half-circle around the island. The rest is pretty much nature preserve.
Anyway, I tried to take the hike to from Nelly to Arcadia, which the brochure said would be 2.5 hours, but I accidentally stumbled across the short path to Geofrey bay, which took me 20 minutes. I found a specialty grocery store there and bought a papaya and a dragonfruit for more than I should have because I wanted some exotic fruit for my day on the beach. Then I walked back to Nelly and found the real hike.
The fake hike:

And the real one:

A little marsupial of some sort... possibly a kangaroo?

The hike took a while... also my papaya did not take kindly to being stuffed into my backpack all day. I checked into the hostel, which was quite nice. There were some British students (or just tourists) in my room. At least, I think they were British and I think they were all together. I didn't talk to any of them, and that was fine with me.
Next day I went to Picnic Bay for the 8 km walk to West Point, which is the closest to the mainland you can get. It's not really a hike, just a long unpaved road. It ends at a little beach with a few houses, but it goes through a nature reserve and some salt marshes, so I wanted to check it out.
There was an abandon building with this totally unsuspicious message scrawled on it:

But it was a little too dry for the waterfall to be running... I guess this is what they meant.

Salt Marsh:

I thought this was just a creek until I noticed the mantaray. It's an inlet.
Yes, it's salt water. I tasted it.

There were also some really interesting black and white striped fish in there, but I don't have pictures of them.
The eucalpyt forest part of the walk was also nice...

I saw a real, moving, awake echina! Sadly, it was not keen to have its picture taken, so you don't get to see its snout.

When I got to West Point, the tide was out, so there was a huge mud flat filled with various interesting invertebrates, so I played around there.

I also ate my now very-bruised papaya for lunch and relaxed for a while. I started walking back around 2:30, when a nice older-ish couple drove up and offered me a ride, which was nice because by that point I was a little unhappy about walking 3 hours to get back. They dropped me off at the grocery store, and I picked up some microwavable soup for dinner, which I made when I got back to the hostel.
Spent the evening in the hostel internet lounge (not on the internet, just in their comfy chairs), writing. (I'm working on a novel, but I don't like to say that aloud because saying that you're working on a novel when you're a blogger is about the most pretentious action imaginable.)
I realized some point on Saturday that I prefer to do things like this on my own. Once I get over being scared at being alone, I really like it much more than clinging to someone that I kinda know, or even than going with a good friend. But I also keep thinking "Oh, I'm so going to tell everyone about this! I'd better get a picture!"
I know that I'm from the most self-centered generation yet, what with our facebook pages and status updates and broadcasting our stupid thoughts on twitter all the time and getting blogs so we can tell EVERYONE ALL ABOUT how awesome our lives are. I wonder if Generation Me needs a poster child...
Anyway, Monday I woke up way too early, checked out, and took a bus down to where I went on my first trip, except this time I spent the morning doing the hike to "the Forts." The Forts are a trail up a small mountain to where the Australian WWII military base was, since you can see approaching ships from it and all. There are a few signs up with the history. Most of the buildings are complete ruins.
The busdriver and everyone else seemed to think I would see some koalas, since it was 7:30, but I didn't notice any... I did surprise a snake about the size of my leg. I was climbing around the ruins... I didn't see it approach, but given the reaction it gave, I think it must have almost run over me before it noticed and flipped out and ran the other way... which is a nice reverse of my usual interaction with snakes. (Pretty sure it was this one.)
There were also a lot of magpies:

The Forts were really cool, in a really eerie sort of way. I took a lot of pictures.
This one is a bit creepy... the building itself was the only one that was completely pitch-dark inside, and the smoke was not there when I took the picture. O.o

There were some bats hiding in it, though, so it can't be too haunted.

Mostly it was just foundations hidden by big rocks, though.

And, since it was supposed to be a lookout point, the views were fantastic.

After the hike I went down to the beach I went to last time and had a swim... Then took the ferry back downtown, got a sandwich in a coffee shop, and took the bus home.
I had the dragon fruit when I got back. they're very striking, but not particularly strong-flavored. I see why cooking sites recommend using them in salads.

This was the last week of classes. I was supposed to finish my final lab report on the Boulia trip, but I didn't. I'll have to do it during exams. It's 2 am here right now. My bus for Uluru leaves at 7 am... but the buses don't run on Sunday, so I had to beg a ride from someone else who's going, so I need to be at the Uni at 6:10... so I need to start walking at 5:30. I'm contemplating just not going to sleep.
More views and forts in the Magnetic Island album. Seriously, will someone PLEASE tell me how the photobucket is working for them? ANYONE?
There are four main places on Magnetic: Nelly Bay, where the ferry lands, which has some cafes and a grocery store, Arcadia, which has a bar and the hostel I stayed at, Picnic Bay, which had a few houses and restaurants, and Horseshoe Bay, which is the main drag with the bars. They're laid out Picnic, Nelly, Arcadia, Horseshoe, in a little half-circle around the island. The rest is pretty much nature preserve.
Anyway, I tried to take the hike to from Nelly to Arcadia, which the brochure said would be 2.5 hours, but I accidentally stumbled across the short path to Geofrey bay, which took me 20 minutes. I found a specialty grocery store there and bought a papaya and a dragonfruit for more than I should have because I wanted some exotic fruit for my day on the beach. Then I walked back to Nelly and found the real hike.
The fake hike:

And the real one:

A little marsupial of some sort... possibly a kangaroo?

The hike took a while... also my papaya did not take kindly to being stuffed into my backpack all day. I checked into the hostel, which was quite nice. There were some British students (or just tourists) in my room. At least, I think they were British and I think they were all together. I didn't talk to any of them, and that was fine with me.
Next day I went to Picnic Bay for the 8 km walk to West Point, which is the closest to the mainland you can get. It's not really a hike, just a long unpaved road. It ends at a little beach with a few houses, but it goes through a nature reserve and some salt marshes, so I wanted to check it out.
There was an abandon building with this totally unsuspicious message scrawled on it:

But it was a little too dry for the waterfall to be running... I guess this is what they meant.

Salt Marsh:

I thought this was just a creek until I noticed the mantaray. It's an inlet.
Yes, it's salt water. I tasted it.

There were also some really interesting black and white striped fish in there, but I don't have pictures of them.
The eucalpyt forest part of the walk was also nice...

I saw a real, moving, awake echina! Sadly, it was not keen to have its picture taken, so you don't get to see its snout.

When I got to West Point, the tide was out, so there was a huge mud flat filled with various interesting invertebrates, so I played around there.

I also ate my now very-bruised papaya for lunch and relaxed for a while. I started walking back around 2:30, when a nice older-ish couple drove up and offered me a ride, which was nice because by that point I was a little unhappy about walking 3 hours to get back. They dropped me off at the grocery store, and I picked up some microwavable soup for dinner, which I made when I got back to the hostel.
Spent the evening in the hostel internet lounge (not on the internet, just in their comfy chairs), writing. (I'm working on a novel, but I don't like to say that aloud because saying that you're working on a novel when you're a blogger is about the most pretentious action imaginable.)
I realized some point on Saturday that I prefer to do things like this on my own. Once I get over being scared at being alone, I really like it much more than clinging to someone that I kinda know, or even than going with a good friend. But I also keep thinking "Oh, I'm so going to tell everyone about this! I'd better get a picture!"
I know that I'm from the most self-centered generation yet, what with our facebook pages and status updates and broadcasting our stupid thoughts on twitter all the time and getting blogs so we can tell EVERYONE ALL ABOUT how awesome our lives are. I wonder if Generation Me needs a poster child...
Anyway, Monday I woke up way too early, checked out, and took a bus down to where I went on my first trip, except this time I spent the morning doing the hike to "the Forts." The Forts are a trail up a small mountain to where the Australian WWII military base was, since you can see approaching ships from it and all. There are a few signs up with the history. Most of the buildings are complete ruins.
The busdriver and everyone else seemed to think I would see some koalas, since it was 7:30, but I didn't notice any... I did surprise a snake about the size of my leg. I was climbing around the ruins... I didn't see it approach, but given the reaction it gave, I think it must have almost run over me before it noticed and flipped out and ran the other way... which is a nice reverse of my usual interaction with snakes. (Pretty sure it was this one.)
There were also a lot of magpies:

The Forts were really cool, in a really eerie sort of way. I took a lot of pictures.
This one is a bit creepy... the building itself was the only one that was completely pitch-dark inside, and the smoke was not there when I took the picture. O.o

There were some bats hiding in it, though, so it can't be too haunted.

Mostly it was just foundations hidden by big rocks, though.

And, since it was supposed to be a lookout point, the views were fantastic.

After the hike I went down to the beach I went to last time and had a swim... Then took the ferry back downtown, got a sandwich in a coffee shop, and took the bus home.
I had the dragon fruit when I got back. they're very striking, but not particularly strong-flavored. I see why cooking sites recommend using them in salads.

This was the last week of classes. I was supposed to finish my final lab report on the Boulia trip, but I didn't. I'll have to do it during exams. It's 2 am here right now. My bus for Uluru leaves at 7 am... but the buses don't run on Sunday, so I had to beg a ride from someone else who's going, so I need to be at the Uni at 6:10... so I need to start walking at 5:30. I'm contemplating just not going to sleep.
More views and forts in the Magnetic Island album. Seriously, will someone PLEASE tell me how the photobucket is working for them? ANYONE?
Friday, May 21, 2010
1 month left
No pictures today... I'm just so happy to be caught up with all my adventures that I thought I'd update with babbling.
I just calculated that out of the 19 weekends I've been/will be in Australia, I've only stayed at home doing nothing of interest for 5 of them... and one of those was right after getting back from vacation when I had a paper due, and another one was right after classes started. So I'm feeling pretty productive. It's true that I didn't get to Tasmania or anywhere too far from Townsville, but Australia is a HUGE country that is very time-consuming to travel in. It isn't like going to a European country where you can sprint around the entire continent on weekend trips.
I had my algae practical exam today... the less said about it, the better. Afterwards the professor gave us all pizza and beer, though. Some other American students and I agreed that we were living the Australian dream, right there.
Also I found a tree frog in the bathroom the other day! My housemate was pretty excited about it- he said he hadn't seen one in a while. (Actually, there were a ton of them in the bathrooms in the Boulia camper park... We had to check the toilets before using them to avoid awkward situations). I got to pick this one up, though! They're so sticky and cute!
I only have one month left in Australia... I'm not anticipating the reverse culture shock that everyone assures me students have. I've had a good time here, but I'm plenty ready to be home. I miss all my friends that kinda get me.
But, with only a month left, I've started plotting my final weeks.
I think I mentioned this before, but I'm going to spend the weekend alone on Magnentic Island, exploring. I'm making sandwiches in preparation tonight.
Next week is the last week of classes, and I'm so ready for it. I'm over classes. I've got a lab report due on the last day, but I've already kinda sorta started it, and I kinda like lab reports, so hopefully I won't lose too much sleep over it.
After that is a week-long break. I'm spending mine on the biggest, longest, and most expensive trip of my time here- I'm going out to Uluru (in the middle-ish). It's a two-day bus trip out there. Katie (my cousin) went out there when she was in AU and said it was amazing and a must-do.
After that is two weeks of exams. I only have four exams, though, so I'm looking into interesting day trips for the days when I don't have exams. After exams I'm going out to Mission Beach, which is the closest that the rainforest and the reef get to each other. Immediately afterwards I'm packing up and heading to the airport to go home.
And yes, when I'm studying/working on reports/doing dishes my mind goes straight to that plane ride home. It's getting harder and harder not to dwell on it. Obviously this won't be a problem when I'm traveling and having fun... but I suspect this next week is going to be very, very grim for me.
I just calculated that out of the 19 weekends I've been/will be in Australia, I've only stayed at home doing nothing of interest for 5 of them... and one of those was right after getting back from vacation when I had a paper due, and another one was right after classes started. So I'm feeling pretty productive. It's true that I didn't get to Tasmania or anywhere too far from Townsville, but Australia is a HUGE country that is very time-consuming to travel in. It isn't like going to a European country where you can sprint around the entire continent on weekend trips.
I had my algae practical exam today... the less said about it, the better. Afterwards the professor gave us all pizza and beer, though. Some other American students and I agreed that we were living the Australian dream, right there.
Also I found a tree frog in the bathroom the other day! My housemate was pretty excited about it- he said he hadn't seen one in a while. (Actually, there were a ton of them in the bathrooms in the Boulia camper park... We had to check the toilets before using them to avoid awkward situations). I got to pick this one up, though! They're so sticky and cute!
I only have one month left in Australia... I'm not anticipating the reverse culture shock that everyone assures me students have. I've had a good time here, but I'm plenty ready to be home. I miss all my friends that kinda get me.
But, with only a month left, I've started plotting my final weeks.
I think I mentioned this before, but I'm going to spend the weekend alone on Magnentic Island, exploring. I'm making sandwiches in preparation tonight.
Next week is the last week of classes, and I'm so ready for it. I'm over classes. I've got a lab report due on the last day, but I've already kinda sorta started it, and I kinda like lab reports, so hopefully I won't lose too much sleep over it.
After that is a week-long break. I'm spending mine on the biggest, longest, and most expensive trip of my time here- I'm going out to Uluru (in the middle-ish). It's a two-day bus trip out there. Katie (my cousin) went out there when she was in AU and said it was amazing and a must-do.
After that is two weeks of exams. I only have four exams, though, so I'm looking into interesting day trips for the days when I don't have exams. After exams I'm going out to Mission Beach, which is the closest that the rainforest and the reef get to each other. Immediately afterwards I'm packing up and heading to the airport to go home.
And yes, when I'm studying/working on reports/doing dishes my mind goes straight to that plane ride home. It's getting harder and harder not to dwell on it. Obviously this won't be a problem when I'm traveling and having fun... but I suspect this next week is going to be very, very grim for me.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Townsville Tour!
This weekend (May 8-10) was my things-in-Townsville adventure.
Saturday I joined a group of Uni students going to Billabong Sanctuary, which is a sort-of zoo/ game park about a 1/2 hour out of town.
You could buy food and feed the kangaroos, birds, and other things wandering around, and then they had various Australian fauna in exhibits. I didn't buy any food, but I got to see some little kids feeding things.
Kangaroo family

There was a show where they brought out a koala, then a wombat, then a bunch of snakes, and then some lizards. You had to pay to hold the koala and the wombat, but you could touch them, and I figured that was close enough. Holding the snakes and lizards was free, though.

She works at a tourist attraction, she should expect to end up on the internet.

The lizard in my hands did NOT APPROVE of me.

Then there was a croc-feeding show, accompanied by a long list of all the things that are more dangerous than crocodiles. The crocs have kind of figured out that they'll only get the food if they don't jump and wait for the guy to hit them with it, then snap, though, so we mostly watched crocs avoid getting exercise.

So that was Billabong. Pretty cool, and it's mandatory to pet a koala before you leave Australia.
Here's the rest of my Billabong pictures.
Sunday I took a stroll down to Palmetium Botanical Garden, which is just down the bike path from my house. It's a really big, nice park, lots of cool things from all over the world... but only tropics, so nothing I recognized from home.
The rainforest section:

Monday I don't have class, so I took a bus into town in the morning and went to the Queen's Garden. It was a good day for it, cool and overcast and drizzling a bit, and Monday, so I pretty much had the whole place to myself.
The Queen's Garden isn't quite as nice as Palmetium, size and diversity-wise, but it's still a nice formal garden. They had a couple of hedge mazes and a rose garden, and some huge fig trees.

They also had an aviary with some exotic birds, like peacocks and... turkeys. OK.

After the garden, I walked along the Strand. Nobody much out there, but the water park was still running. Too cold to go swimming, but maybe before I leave. Also saw a couple of misc. Townsville things.
All the photos of Townsville are up in the General Australian Pics folder.
I stopped at the Aboriginal Culture Center, which is mostly a gallery of local Aboriginal artwork (so no photos allowed, you have to buy them... for way more money than I have).
Next to that is the North Queensland Science Museum (or something to that effect). They had a ship wreak exhibit and some things on coral, dinosaurs, deep sea creatures, and the rainforest. All that jazz. They also had a kids interactive zone with no kids in it because it was Monday afternoon, so I played around in there for longer than I should admit.
Two things from Invertebrate Zoology legend: A giant pyc (sea spider) and a deep-sea sea cucumber.

A magical leopleurodon! (or something in the same spirit.

Botanical Gardens and Museums has more pictures from both gardens and the science museum, including a picture of the butterflies of Queensland, which is a pretty impressive display.
After that I stopped at the local art museum, where the visiting exhibit was made up entirely things sculpted to look like food! I was so happy!
They had one that was "meals for the trades", so it was trade-related objects to look like meals. For example, the upholsterer had a slice of cake made out of upholstery layers.
There were also teacups made out of various things... like, a "frivolitea" made out of party favors.
No pictures. (Well, ok, there are pictures that I took before someone told me that I wasn't supposed to be taking them, but I don't want the museum to get in trouble, so I'm keeping them safely offline.)
And that was my weekend.
I have a lab practical test for Marine Algae on Friday, so my efforts are mostly going towards studying for that. After Friday I only have one more week of classes, and only one month left in AU!
It's getting chilly here. I might have to start wearing a jacket from time to time.
Saturday I joined a group of Uni students going to Billabong Sanctuary, which is a sort-of zoo/ game park about a 1/2 hour out of town.
You could buy food and feed the kangaroos, birds, and other things wandering around, and then they had various Australian fauna in exhibits. I didn't buy any food, but I got to see some little kids feeding things.
Kangaroo family

There was a show where they brought out a koala, then a wombat, then a bunch of snakes, and then some lizards. You had to pay to hold the koala and the wombat, but you could touch them, and I figured that was close enough. Holding the snakes and lizards was free, though.

She works at a tourist attraction, she should expect to end up on the internet.

The lizard in my hands did NOT APPROVE of me.

Then there was a croc-feeding show, accompanied by a long list of all the things that are more dangerous than crocodiles. The crocs have kind of figured out that they'll only get the food if they don't jump and wait for the guy to hit them with it, then snap, though, so we mostly watched crocs avoid getting exercise.

So that was Billabong. Pretty cool, and it's mandatory to pet a koala before you leave Australia.
Here's the rest of my Billabong pictures.
Sunday I took a stroll down to Palmetium Botanical Garden, which is just down the bike path from my house. It's a really big, nice park, lots of cool things from all over the world... but only tropics, so nothing I recognized from home.
The rainforest section:

Monday I don't have class, so I took a bus into town in the morning and went to the Queen's Garden. It was a good day for it, cool and overcast and drizzling a bit, and Monday, so I pretty much had the whole place to myself.
The Queen's Garden isn't quite as nice as Palmetium, size and diversity-wise, but it's still a nice formal garden. They had a couple of hedge mazes and a rose garden, and some huge fig trees.

They also had an aviary with some exotic birds, like peacocks and... turkeys. OK.

After the garden, I walked along the Strand. Nobody much out there, but the water park was still running. Too cold to go swimming, but maybe before I leave. Also saw a couple of misc. Townsville things.
All the photos of Townsville are up in the General Australian Pics folder.
I stopped at the Aboriginal Culture Center, which is mostly a gallery of local Aboriginal artwork (so no photos allowed, you have to buy them... for way more money than I have).
Next to that is the North Queensland Science Museum (or something to that effect). They had a ship wreak exhibit and some things on coral, dinosaurs, deep sea creatures, and the rainforest. All that jazz. They also had a kids interactive zone with no kids in it because it was Monday afternoon, so I played around in there for longer than I should admit.
Two things from Invertebrate Zoology legend: A giant pyc (sea spider) and a deep-sea sea cucumber.

A magical leopleurodon! (or something in the same spirit.

Botanical Gardens and Museums has more pictures from both gardens and the science museum, including a picture of the butterflies of Queensland, which is a pretty impressive display.
After that I stopped at the local art museum, where the visiting exhibit was made up entirely things sculpted to look like food! I was so happy!
They had one that was "meals for the trades", so it was trade-related objects to look like meals. For example, the upholsterer had a slice of cake made out of upholstery layers.
There were also teacups made out of various things... like, a "frivolitea" made out of party favors.
No pictures. (Well, ok, there are pictures that I took before someone told me that I wasn't supposed to be taking them, but I don't want the museum to get in trouble, so I'm keeping them safely offline.)
And that was my weekend.
I have a lab practical test for Marine Algae on Friday, so my efforts are mostly going towards studying for that. After Friday I only have one more week of classes, and only one month left in AU!
It's getting chilly here. I might have to start wearing a jacket from time to time.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The past few weekends
Almost up-to-date with my travel pictures and things! So you get two weekends in this update, and then I'll fill you in on last weekend (hopefully tomorrow), and everything will be caught up!
How is the photobucket working for you? Is it easy to navigate? Does it crash your computer?
It *is* entirely possible to leave comments on this blog without having a blogspot, just so you know. If you have a problem seeing the pictures or something, you can let me know. That's ok with me.
After Boulia, when I was busy hating a paper, I went down to the post office and picked up my Easter package from Mom! It had a chocolate Bilby, which is a cute little Australian rodent. Apparently a percentage of the chocolate bilby sales go to conservation or something. They're real cute:

(This picture also includes the chocolate frog and eggs from the Easter basket and my Boulia rock collection)
But it's hard to go for Bilby ears:

Anyway, May 1st was a Saturday. My American friend from the Whitsunday trip called me up and invited me to a BBQ on the Strand (which is the touristy beachfront park in Townsville). She and some friends picked me up... and informed me that we were going to a beach out-of-the-way first... not to swim... or even to go all the way down to the water... or even get as far as the sand... they just wanted to look.
I understand that there are box jellies this time of year, but what's the point of going to a beach to sit above the path and look at the view?

Afterwards we hiked up Castle Hill, which is a huge... well, hill in Townsville that all the tourists hike up once and vow never to hike up again. And, of course, I was wearing a dress, so I looked like a particularly pathetic dumb American.
Castle Hill has a "Saint" painted on it... apparently some Uni students did it as a prank, the city got rid of it, and someone else put it up. I'm not really sure why this is such a big deal... I'll have a picture of it next entry, but it's really not that impressive.
The view was beautiful, though.
Castle Hill:

Me and the view:

Then we went down to the Strand and had a swim in the poison-jellyfish-free net, played on a particularly unsafe looking rope toy, and had a BBQ on one of the grills provided for our convenience. It was a good time, all in all.
Strand at night:

Sunday I wrote a paper... or tried to.
Monday I went down to Magnetic Island, which is a 20 min ferry ride off the coast of Townsville.

It's absolutely beautiful. I was there with a local guy that I met at the BBQ, so he showed me this awesome beach that no one goes to. Frankly, I wanted to be alone, but I probably wouldn't have found it on my own, so everything worked out.
The beach:

I'm going back to Magnetic this weekend and staying. It seems silly to pay for a hostel to stay an hour from your home, but the ferry's a bit expensive and it'll be worth it to wake up on the island. I'm going hiking around! Should be fantastic!
Next weekend, I mostly hung out. Two members of the anime club had a joint birthday on Saturday, so I went to that. It was zombie themed... so I was Zombie Laura Croft and a good time was had by all.
One of my better pictures...

The recent uploads to General Australian Pics include more of me posing on Castle Hill, a few of the beach we visited, and some of The Strand.
Magnetic Island has more from the little bay we went to, and will eventually have the pictures I plan to take this weekend!
How is the photobucket working for you? Is it easy to navigate? Does it crash your computer?
It *is* entirely possible to leave comments on this blog without having a blogspot, just so you know. If you have a problem seeing the pictures or something, you can let me know. That's ok with me.
After Boulia, when I was busy hating a paper, I went down to the post office and picked up my Easter package from Mom! It had a chocolate Bilby, which is a cute little Australian rodent. Apparently a percentage of the chocolate bilby sales go to conservation or something. They're real cute:

(This picture also includes the chocolate frog and eggs from the Easter basket and my Boulia rock collection)
But it's hard to go for Bilby ears:

Anyway, May 1st was a Saturday. My American friend from the Whitsunday trip called me up and invited me to a BBQ on the Strand (which is the touristy beachfront park in Townsville). She and some friends picked me up... and informed me that we were going to a beach out-of-the-way first... not to swim... or even to go all the way down to the water... or even get as far as the sand... they just wanted to look.
I understand that there are box jellies this time of year, but what's the point of going to a beach to sit above the path and look at the view?

Afterwards we hiked up Castle Hill, which is a huge... well, hill in Townsville that all the tourists hike up once and vow never to hike up again. And, of course, I was wearing a dress, so I looked like a particularly pathetic dumb American.
Castle Hill has a "Saint" painted on it... apparently some Uni students did it as a prank, the city got rid of it, and someone else put it up. I'm not really sure why this is such a big deal... I'll have a picture of it next entry, but it's really not that impressive.
The view was beautiful, though.
Castle Hill:

Me and the view:

Then we went down to the Strand and had a swim in the poison-jellyfish-free net, played on a particularly unsafe looking rope toy, and had a BBQ on one of the grills provided for our convenience. It was a good time, all in all.
Strand at night:

Sunday I wrote a paper... or tried to.
Monday I went down to Magnetic Island, which is a 20 min ferry ride off the coast of Townsville.

It's absolutely beautiful. I was there with a local guy that I met at the BBQ, so he showed me this awesome beach that no one goes to. Frankly, I wanted to be alone, but I probably wouldn't have found it on my own, so everything worked out.
The beach:

I'm going back to Magnetic this weekend and staying. It seems silly to pay for a hostel to stay an hour from your home, but the ferry's a bit expensive and it'll be worth it to wake up on the island. I'm going hiking around! Should be fantastic!
Next weekend, I mostly hung out. Two members of the anime club had a joint birthday on Saturday, so I went to that. It was zombie themed... so I was Zombie Laura Croft and a good time was had by all.
One of my better pictures...

The recent uploads to General Australian Pics include more of me posing on Castle Hill, a few of the beach we visited, and some of The Strand.
Magnetic Island has more from the little bay we went to, and will eventually have the pictures I plan to take this weekend!
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